Psalmus 143. II.
(8c) |
Psalm 143.
143:9. | Deus, cánticum novum cantábo tibi : * in psaltério decachórdo psallam tibi. | 9. | To thee, O God, I will sing a new canticle: * on the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings I will sing praises to thee. |
143:10. | Qui das salútem régibus : * qui redemísti David, servum tuum, de gládio malígno : éripe me. | 10. | Who givest salvation to kings: * who hast redeemed thy servant David from the malicious sword: Deliver me, |
143:11. | Et érue me de manu filiórum alienórum, † quorum os locútum est vanitátem : * et déxtera eórum, déxtera iniquitátis : | 11. | And rescue me out of the hand of strange children; whose mouth hath spoken vanity: * and their right hand is the right hand of iniquity: |
143:12. | Quorum fílii, sicut novéllæ plantatiónes * in juventúte sua. | 12. | Whose sons are as new plants * in their youth: |
143:13. | Fíliæ eórum compósitæ : * circumornátæ ut similitúdo templi. | 13. | Their daughters decked out, * adorned round about after the similitude of a temple: |
143:14. | Promptuária eórum plena, * eructántia ex hoc in illud. | 14. | Their storehouses full, * flowing out of this into that. |
143:15. | Oves eórum fœtósæ, abundántes in egréssibus suis : * boves eórum crassæ. | 15. | Their sheep fruitful in young, abounding in their goings forth: * their oxen fat. |
143:15. | Non est ruína macériæ, neque tránsitus : * neque clamor in platéis eórum. | 15. | There is no breach of wall, nor passage, * nor crying out in their streets. |
143:15. | Beátum dixérunt pópulum, cui hæc sunt : * beátus pópulus, cujus Dóminus Deus ejus. | 15. | They have called the people happy, that hath these things: * but happy is that people whose God is the Lord. |
V. | Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto. | V. | Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost. |
R. | Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen. | R. | As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. |